The Annual General Meeting of the association is attended by its members and is the highest authority of the association.  It takes place during the week of the Annual Convention on a day and time determined by the Board of Directors.

Business transacted during this meeting includes the election of the Board of Directors, a review of the Treasurer’s report and the annual accounts, appointment of the auditors for the next accounting year, approval of any amendments of the By-laws, and dealing with any other matters arising which have been placed before the AGM by the president of the association, or on the written request of three Regular Members.

Only Regular Members may vote at the AGM.

This year the Annual General Meeting took place on Friday 15 September 2023 during the Annual Convention held 11-15 September in Vancouver, Canada.

Should you have any questions concerning this event, please contact

The minutes for this meeting will be posted after the event.

The next Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 13 September 2024 in Sorrento, Italy.

Previous Annual General Meetings

2022 Annual General Meeting, Prague

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2021 Annual General Meeting, Athens

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2020 Annual General Meeting, Geneva

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2019 Annual General Meeting, Bangkok

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2018 Annual General Meeting, London

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2017 Annual General Meeting, Mexico

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