New Opportunities for Pipeline Contractors in the Energy Transition Era
Applications Specialist - Pipeline, Vermeer Corporation Visit website
Earthquakes, Geohazards, and Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Onshore and Offshore Gas Pipelines
Structural & Geotechnical Engineer, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)Visit website
Fibre Optic Leak Detection and Integrity Monitoring for Pipelines
Sales Manager, Omnisens SAVisit website
Update on the Technology Catalogue Platform
Managing Partner & Co-Founder, Deployment MattersVisit website
Changing the Perspective of Surface Preparation Methods through Innovation
Business Line Director, Monti Werkzeuge GmbHVisit website
Grow your business with SHERP
, Quadro InternationalVisit website
Safety Breaker: A Concept Safety Device to prevent Accidents in Tie-ins
Business Development Manager, PipeSakVisit website
NextRay: Expanding Capabilities in Real Time Radiography
General Manager Offshore & Emerging Markets, STANLEY InspectionVisit website
How Pipeline Companies are using Drones for Surveying and Safety
Sales Manager, WingtraVisit website